Monday, July 14, 2008

WHERE'S THE BEEF! (Used sparingly of course)

I just read where LDS Church leaders excommunicated a guy from the church for producing a calender featuring returned Mormon missionaries flaunting their pecs and six paks. When asked what he thought about the dicsiplinary council's decision, Chad Hardy stated, "I felt like I spoke my truth; Bottom line, they still felt the calender is inappropriate and not the image the Church wants to have." (No kidding) He went on to say, "I have no ill feelings to any of those people. They did what they believed was right and I believe that it was the best decision for both of us." Sounds like ol' Chad was ready to be "released" anyway as I didn't detect a whole lot of remorse on his part. At first I felt that excommunication was a bit steep, but then I thought about the upcomig fight I'm sure we're going to have with gay marriage, and if something like this was mildly tolerated by Church leadership, it would definatley be used against us and put us in a defensive posture rather than an offensive one. Still, I feel a bit left out. Why wasn't I asked to pose for this calender? I've worked hard over the last year or so to look the way I do. All the cookies and candy's I passed up so I could wear a size 32 in pants and medium sized T-shirts. I can flex with the best of them, farmer tan and all.


Cristin said...

When I told Erik about this he didn't understand why the guy got ex-communicated for it. I totally get it. The bad thing is that this publicity will probably help him sell more calendars.

Erik said...

Dude's a lameo, probably not married and looking to show off his single bod to attract some shallow desprate Semi-active LDS females...too bad for him.

Erik said...

You saw my picture in the calendar right? Mr. June...check me out.