Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This poor sap just isn't going to catch a break this election year. I was very surpirsed to see that "The New Yorker" published this extrmemly satirical, and possibly politically damaging cartoon of Obama and his wife in the oval office of the White House. The two are seen wearing terrorist garb and doing their famous "fist bump". On the wall over the fireplace is a picture of Osama Bin Laden, and burning IN the firepalce is the American Flag. I don't read "The New Yorker", so I can't honestly say which way their editorial politics sway, but traditionally the media has been very liberal, especially the editorial media. That's why I was shocked to see this kind of satire on the cover of such a very prominant magazine. What the backlash from this has yet to be seen, but with this appearing just after his "...your children need to learn Spanish" speech, this bitter pill will go down like an Ostrich egg. McCain isn't much better, but at least his name doesn't rhyme with THE most wanted man in the world. I bet after seeing this magazine cover he's thankful his name isn't John Mitler.

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