Saturday, July 26, 2008


I WANT TO BELIEVE! That's the title of the new X-FILES movie, and also the wording on a UFO poster in my office. Yesterday, Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut from the Apollo 11 mission, revealed that UFO's and their occupants have indeed been visiting this planet, and that the United States government has covered this up for the last 60 years. He went on to say that the events that took place in Roswell New Mexico involving the retreavel of a flying disc and alien occupants in July of 1947, actually happened. I have always believed this to be true, as my brother and I both saw a UFO back in the summer of 1971. At that time we were living in Washington State where my parents had bought a cafe on the Hood Canal. The Hood Canal isn't really a canal, but a large body of water that snakes its way inland from the Pacific Ocean, and ends just outside of Washington's Capitol, Olympia. The canal is about a mile wide. My brother and I were spending the night outside and laying in our sleeping bags, when I noticed an orange/yellow glowing sphere hovering just above and beyond the tree line across the canal. I pointed it out to my brother who saw it as well. It made no sound, nor did it have any strobe lights that may have told us it was plane or a helicopter. It made a number of odd manuevers and then it suddenly shot off to the north and was gone. Of course no body beleived us, but we didn't care; we knew what we had seen. Since then I have read almost every book on the subject, and it facinates me still. I think it's foolish to think that of all the planets that exist in that vast starlit area we call space, that we are the only intelligent beings that exist. This of course brings up a lot of religious issues, none of which I will go into here, but one day we'll all know the truth. We may have to die to get that truth, but we'll get it none the less. Hopefully, this intergallactic mystery will be solved in our lifetime. But in the meantime, I'll be patiently waiting, and looking up into the sky.

1 comment:

Cristin said...

I read about that astronaut and it really made me think. I wonder if either the government is lying or this guy is crazy. It would make sense though for aliens to exist. Does that make me crazy?