Saturday, June 28, 2008


I absolutely love living in Camarillo Heights. It's a very weird mixture of the old and new, the hicks, the "upper crust", and the "regualr folk". Where else can you find a 1500 square foot house built in 1933 standing next to 5000 square foot home built in 2007. Since this is part of the County of Ventura and not the City of Camarillo, people can have exotic animals on their properties. Some animals I've seen up here over the years are - horses, sheep, goats, chickens, Llamas, alpacas and peacocks. There's lots of wild critters up here as well - Racoons, skunks, possums, the occasional pack of coyetes, hawks, mice, and my personal favorite, (yuck) rats. When my grandfather lived up here they would occaisionally see a bear. With all those wild critters come the fairly freaquent sightings of road kill, mostly possums. Cars zoom up and down the hills here in the Heights and the possums are probably the slowest creatures ever to cross the street. I know people run over them on purpose just because they're ugly. So the next time you're driving on Las Posas Road somewhere between Mission Drive and East Loop, come on up and see what the kill du jour is up here. Maybe you'll see a side dish of Bear.


Kents said...

Hey you're talking about my house versus the house across the street! :-) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the heights. It's a dream come true for me to live up here. Roadkill is the best. I love the wildlife. I saw a crow take off with a lizard in his mouth the other day. Poor lizard.

Debi Lassen said...

Hi Eric,
thanks for doing a blog! keep it up, road kill and all!

bepluvstrack said...

Murp! I saw that smeared cat on Anacapa Drive the other day and decided to stop and have snack. I brough it over to your place, but no one answered. So I ate the whole thing. (I buried the hairballs in your flower bed, it makes good fertilizer).

Good seeing you on Sunday!