Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well, no matter how much I complain or wish it wouldn't happen, time marches on. Our youngest, Madeline, will be "graduating" 5th grade in a couple of days. Next year she'll be in middle school, which I am not looking forward too. I have always thought it was a big mistake to add sixth grade to middle school, because of the differences in 6th and 7th graders. I remember the culture shock I faced when I went into 7th grade and was suddenly surrounded by a whole different species of kids. Some smoked, some did drugs. While some took a foreign language in class, foul language seemed to be the new form of communication on campus. I hate to say it, but I learned about the birds and the bees in the boys restroom at Monte Vista. I just walked in to do my thing, when I was confronted with a centerfold taped to the mirror, while some kid, a well informed 8th grader, was educating all who would listen on the mysteries of the female personage. (I'll stop hear).
Granted, I'm a father who hates to see his children grow-up, especially the last of our "babies". I say, let kids stay kids as long as they can!!! But I'll be in the audience beaming with pride as she crosses the stage. But part of me will mourn for the little girl who used to fall asleep almost every night on my lap, or cuddle up with me in the mornings in our bed to watch her favorite cartoons. As a father there are a lot of tough things you need to encounter and deal with, but seeing your children grow up is the toughest of all. They'll be adults for most of their lives, but they're only children for a short time.

1 comment:

Kents said...

Yeay for your blog and children do grow up too fast and NO I DO NOT THINK 6th Graders should be in Junior High. It's crazy! I look forward to your updates!