Monday, June 16, 2008


Happy Gay Day everybody! As of 5:00 pm PST gays can now be legally and lawfully married in the state of California. Didn't we decide this several years ago? Wasn't this hotly debated by both religious, political and gay activist groups over and over until it was given the legal go ahead to be placed on the ballot? And didn't over 70% of those who voted decide that gays should NOT marry? Apparently not, because the liberal, Godless California Superior Court struck down that proposition on the grounds of discrimination. I don't know what upsets me more, the fact that gays can now marry, or that a small group of so called "judges" have the power to erase the votes of over 70% of California taxpayers. Now don't get me wrong, I really have nothing against gay people. In all honesty I have, and have had, several gay friends since high school. When speaking on this subject we all agree to disagree. In fact, technically, I should be gay. I have all the signs that peg me as a "friend of Dorothy's". My favorite movie is THE WIZARD OF OZ. I own many CD's of Judy Garland and Barbara Streisand. I took Theatre classes in school and performed in plays and musicals. I collect and sell antiques. While my brother was listening to rock groups like KISS and the ROLLING STONES, my album collection was peppered with show tunes like, A CHORUS LINE, ANNIE, CABARET, MAN OF LAMANCHA, and the one soundtrack that would expose any poor closeted soul, GYPSY (the one starring Ethel Merman), just to name few. I even had a couple of QUEEN albums. But being the manly man that I am, none of those things had any effect on me, and I don't show up on anybody's gay-dar. I'm happily married (to a woman) with four children (did I mention I have four children?). Now for the next week or so we're going to have to put up with news stories featuring long lines of gay and lesbian couples outside of city hall's across the nation waiting to get married. And it will be painted to look as though this is something that should have occured sooner. Eight years ago we fought the good fight and won. Now we have to gear up yet again, and take this to the highest court in the land. Whether we'll be successful or not, I don't know. Eight years seems to have softened those who apparently have forgotten who put them in power in the first place. When we won the first time I have to admit I was a bit surprised. I thought that things had gotten so bad in the world that the time of the second coming was not as far off as I had imagined, and that our efforts to stop gay marriage would only amount to a noble effort, but we won. In the grand scheme of Eternity, winning that battle seemed to buy us a little more time here on this earth. But if we are not successful this time around, I fear that our time is closer than we think, and it's time to prepare! (Did I mention I have four children?)


Kents said...

I'm right with you there. Do I really want to live in a state that overrides what the popular vote wants? I thought I understood the law, but obviously, I've got some studying to do. What I would like to know is what is the percentage of gay couples who get married stay married? Those I know have divorced after a few years. Why? We are being creative when it comes to what makes up families: marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, etc. I am sad. I got an email from my floral supplier about how great this is for the wedding industry. More money, that's what's really important, right?

Buzz Stephens said...

Please consider joining Yahoo's The Judy Garland Experience, the worlds largest, and most exciting, Judy group.
We feature a plethora of constantly changing and ultra rare audio files, as well as an amazing photo gallery filled with never before seen images of Judy.
Our membership includes Garland family members, authors, film makers, people who knew and worked with Judy, celebrities, and fans of all levels.
The only one missing is you!
Stop by our little Judyville today and check it out.
Here is the link:

Cristin said...

Wow, Buzz really wants you to join the Judy Garland group. The only thing missing is you!

I'm glad you wrote something about this. I wonder what it's going to do to Family History, this whole thing is NUTS!